
QyScore® is an advanced processing software for automatic labeling and volumetric quantification of segmented central nervous system structures. QyScore® produces a range of automated measures such as whole brain, white matter, grey matter by lobe, cerebellum, white matter abnormalities and brain substructures. Results are available with existing workflows through PACS, AV, AI viewers and in a dedicated 3D UI. QyScore® aims to decrease image reading variability and segmentation errors.
Information source: Vendor
Last updated: March 27, 2022

General Information

Product name QyScore
Company Qynapse
Subspeciality Neuro
Modality MR, PET
Disease targeted Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, neuro-degenerative diseases
Key-features Brain region quantification, comparison to reference population, white matter hyperintensities segmentation and evolution in time and space, report generation
Suggested use During: perception aid (prompting all abnormalities/results/heatmaps), report suggestion
After: diagnosis verification

Technical Specifications

Data characteristics
Population Adults patients
Input 1.5T and 3T scanners for T1 MRI processing, and 3T scanners for T2FLAIR MRI
Input format DICOM
Output Segmentation overlay, report, 3D rendering, longitudinal charts, lesion load overlay, lesion evolution chart, normative database comparison charts
Output format DICOM, DICOM SR, DICOM SEG, Fused DICOM, DICOM Secondary capture, pdf, .csv export of collection of patients, structured report metadata
Integration Integration in standard reading environment (PACS), Integration via AI marketplace or distribution platform, Stand-alone webbased
Deployment Locally on dedicated hardware, Locally virtualized (virtual machine, docker), Cloud-based, Hybrid solution
Trigger for analysis Automatically, right after the image acquisition
Processing time Depending on the technical workflow, T1, T1+T2 etc and the clinical needs


Certified, Class IIa , MDD
FDA 510(k) cleared , Class II
Intended Use Statements
Intended use (according to CE) QyScore® is an advanced processing and visualization software for automatic labeling and volumetric quantification of segmented central nervous system structures for patients older than 18 years of age. The software is intended to be used by medical personnel or neuroimaging trained personnel to support diagnosis of central nervous system diseases.


Market presence
On market since 09-2017 (Europe) 12-2019 (USA)
Distribution channels On-demand PACS agnostic (integration with several PACS vendors)
Countries present (clinical, non-research use) 5
Paying clinical customers (institutes) < 10
Research/test users (institutes) < 10 (also in clinical trials with pharma/CRO)
Pricing model Subscription
Based on Number of installations


Peer reviewed papers on performance

  • Automatic segmentation of white matter hyperintensities: validation and comparison with state-of-the-art methods on both Multiple Sclerosis and elderly subjects (read)

  • Validation of an automatic tool for the rapid measurement of brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensity in clinical routine setting: QyScore® (read)

Non-peer reviewed papers on performance
Other relevant papers