Neural ODEs for Segmentation of Colon Glands

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Last updated:
Sept. 6, 2023, 7:48 p.m.
Associated publication:
Pinckaers H, Litjens G. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Semantic Segmentation of Individual Colon Glands. arXiv. Published online October 24, 2019.


This algorithm implements all of the following input-output combinations:

Inputs Outputs
  • Histopatology Colon Image (Image)
  • Colon Glands Segmentation (Image)
  • Model Facts


    Automated medical image segmentation plays a key role in quantitative research and diagnostics. Convolutional neural networks based on the U-Net architecture are the state-of-the-art. A key disadvantage is the hard-coding of the receptive field size, which requires architecture optimization for each segmentation task. Furthermore, increasing the receptive field results in an increasing number of weights. Recently, Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODE) have been proposed, a new type of continuous depth deep neural network. This framework allows for a dynamic receptive field at a constant memory cost and a smaller amount of parameters. We show on a colon gland segmentation dataset (GlaS) that these NODEs can be used within the U-Net framework to improve segmentation results while reducing memory load and parameter counts.

    For more detailed information see the paper on arxiv.


    • Target population: Histopathology images of the colon specifically from the colon gland segmentation dataset (GlaS)
    • Algorithm description: A U-Net architecture with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations to enhance the receptive field

    Validation and Performance

    GlaS challenge metrics for the total test set, partially adopted from Table 1 from the paper

    Method Object Dice F1 score Hausdorff Notes
    U-Net 0.868 0.841 69.6 30m parameters
    U-ResNet 0.757 0.689 122 2m parameters
    U-Node 0.881 0.861 59.5 2m parameters

    Uses and Directions

    This algorithm was developed for research purposes only.


    The algorithm was trained and validated on the colon gland segmentation dataset (GlaS), the performance of the algorithm may not generalize to other datasets.

    Common Error Messages


    Information on this algorithm has been provided by the Algorithm Editors, following the Model Facts labels guidelines from Sendak, M.P., Gao, M., Brajer, N. et al. Presenting machine learning model information to clinical end users with model facts labels. npj Digit. Med. 3, 41 (2020). 10.1038/s41746-020-0253-3