Unfortunately the problem is not sovled :(
The submission that passed in the leaderboard was my model running and predicting the bounding boxes (to make sure my model doesn't break) but I fill the predictions with the the dummy
bbox = [[54.7, 95.5, 0.5],
[92.6, 95.5, 0.5],
[92.6, 136.1, 0.5],
[54.7, 136.1, 0.5]]
provided by the host instead of my own predictions. This passes correctly and shows up on the leaderboard.
However, Once I replace the dummy numbers by my predictions, I am not able to submit. I have no idea what's going on here.
bbox = [[x_min, y_min, 0.5], #TOP LEFT: xmin, ymin
[x_max, y_min, 0.5], #TOP RIGHT: xmax, ymin
[x_max, y_max, 0.5], #BOTTOM RIGHT: xmax, ymax
[x_min, y_max, 0.5]] #BOTTOM LEFT: xmin, ymax
The only difference between a successful submission and "unable to submit" is the bbox variable as shown below

UPDATE: I just lowered my confidence score to 0.000001 to make sure that I have at least 1 box per frame, alternatively it's better to add an if statement whenever there are no boxes to set xyxy=0,0,0,0. Now I am able to submit, it seems that the problem was that some frames were missing some boxes. The submission is running.
UPDATE2: The submission succeeded! it seems that was the problem.