Algorithm failed on phase 2

Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: tle1302 on April 19, 2024, 2:51 p.m.

Hi Dorian,

Unfortunately my algorithm (same container build that passed phase1, just updated weights) failed phase 2, and without error log I cannot debug (only: "The algorithm failed on one or more cases.").

Ome.tiff read_image() and save_image() are from your script in the template docker. Local test succeeded, "Try-out algorithm" succeeded without warnings on the updated container. The algorithm also doesn't exceed time limit (<3min in grand challenge platform).

Is there a different data type on Phase 2, which doesn't work with the read_image() function provided? Was there a backend crash? Can you help debug? I thought all errors (input/output/environment etc) are supposed to be caught on phase1, and passing phase 1 was supposed to guarantee to pass phase 2, but unfortunately this was not the case.

Re: Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: tle1302 on April 19, 2024, 9 p.m.

Hi, it seems that my submission passed. In case anyone else is debugging a similar problem, what I lack was handling empty images as input.

 Last edited by: tle1302 on April 19, 2024, 9:02 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: MountainHill on April 20, 2024, 4:22 a.m.

Hi, would you mind elaborate your workaround a bit? I had the similar issue but I'm not sure what you mean by empty images as input. Should I check if the input image path exists or not? Also, for the challenge organizers, would it be possible to see some error logs?

Re: Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: MountainHill on April 20, 2024, 8:42 p.m.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could clarify the issue. It seems weird to me that a successful docker submission in phase 1 failed in phase 2... I've tried to use try and except to solve the issue but the issue persisted. Not sure how phase 2 would be different from phase 1.

Re: Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: tle1302 on April 20, 2024, 10:37 p.m.

Hi! I agree that all data type (microscopy, range etc) should be presented in phase 1. For me, I have some preprocessing script containing assert, which failed when the input value is just 0. So my solution was simply:

bf_input = read_image(bf_path)
If bf_input.max() == 0:
    # write out all 4 organelle channel to be empty too
    save_image(org_path, bf_input) # x4 channels
    # my algorithm

Hope the organizers allow 1 final submission for whoever tried to submit before deadline but failed for unjust reason. It is unfortunate to let valuable effort go to waste.

Re: Algorithm failed on phase 2  

  By: dorian_kauffmann on April 22, 2024, 10 a.m.

I've checked again and there are indeed no empty images in the GT Phase 2 dataset. Normally, nothing changes between Phase 1 and Phase 2, and I've made a lot of effort to respect this.
After investigation, it appears that MountainHill and tle1302, you have exceeded the 10-minute time limit for predicting some individual images.
So there is no log stderr error, but, as we set a time limit (for practical and especially financial reasons), Grand Challenge reported that the image prediction had failed.
It took me a while to realize this.
As the error did not come from us, I need to discuss it with the challenge team to see what can be done, and to be fair to the other participants who managed to submit their project on time.
