Size mismatch error while submissions ¶
By: shirshak.acharya on July 17, 2024, 1:43 p.m.
Hello! I didn't know earlier, we had to download images manually for testing and then run the docker container. What I thought was, the image would be added automatically and we only had to provide our container and not images.... Well, I have resolved that error. by first downloading inference images: 101.mha, 102.mha, 107.mha, then finally fit them in path and RUN code and finally made the docker image file. But Now, From this code from this link:
In line number 59
result = SimpleITK.ReadImage(input_files[0])
We just see that only first image is given. When we compute the segmentation for first image, it will match shape with the 1st image.... But, since we are only passing the 1st image, when algorithm tries to compute segmentation for 2nd and 3rd image, the size of segmentation and image will differ as the segmentation we get will be from first image : as we just provided 1st input as : input_files[0] So, because of that only first image size is matched, and remaining 2 image size is mismatched.... Since, we are just saving our file as output.mha, even though I run loop, and try to cover all three images, the final output of first two images will be overridden by third image. How to resolve? Any ideas?