Testing phases timeline extension and important instructions

Testing phases timeline extension and important instructions  

  By: aneeqzia_isi on Aug. 30, 2024, 9:42 p.m.

Hi teams,

As our launch of testing phases got delayed initially, we have modified the timeline for the testing phases (https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/important-dates/) to allow for a greater period within the prelim phases. We hope this helps the team in getting their containers ready for the final submission. However, please DO NOT wait till the last day of final testing phase to submit your working algorithm container to the final phase since there is a chance of running into issues at that point. Please also note that there is a limit of 2 SUBMISSIONS PER TEAM for the final testing phases. Therefore, we will take the best score of the 2 submissions in the final phases from each team and discard the ones after that (even if a different person from that team submits another algorithm container).

Best, SurgVU team

Re: Testing phases timeline extension and important instructions  

  By: iamyangshu on Sept. 3, 2024, 2:57 a.m.

Hello, I noticed that the End of preliminary testing phase is 10th, September, 2024 (https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/important-dates/), but I can't submit new results.

Best, Shu

Re: Testing phases timeline extension and important instructions  

  By: aneeqzia_isi on Sept. 3, 2024, 4:02 p.m.


The new deadline did not get updated in the submissions - it is fixed now and you should be able to submit until 10th Sept.

Best, SurgVU team