What does "Failed: The algorithm failed on one or more cases" mean?

What does "Failed: The algorithm failed on one or more cases" mean?  

  By: anhnq1130 on Aug. 12, 2024, 3:11 a.m.

I submitted a test container to the "Prelim testing phase - Category 2" but received a message saying, "Failed: The algorithm failed on one or more cases." I’m unsure where the problem might be in my code. Could you provide more details about the specific issues?

Re: What does "Failed: The algorithm failed on one or more cases" mean?  

  By: aneeqzia_isi on Aug. 15, 2024, 8:11 p.m.

Following is the error message from your submission:

The output file 'surgical-step-classification.json' is not valid. JSON does not fulfill schema: instance 'uterine_horn' is not of type 'integer'