Use of pre-trained models ¶
By: a.martel on Jan. 21, 2022, 3:40 p.m.
In the rules it states: "Models pre-trained on ImageNet or other natural images datasets are allowed. Models pre-trained on digital pathology data are not allowed, even if pre-trained using publicly available data. " I can understand excluding models pretrained on public data - that requires a lot of compute time and disk space so would give large groups a significant advantage. Unoftunately it also excludes pre-trained models for digital pathology data that are publicly available. I would be interested to know why these are excluded - imagenet models are not ideal and if a pretraiend model is publicly available then it does not unfairly advantage anyone. Examples are the pretrained hovernet model or our SimCLR model - both of which are likely to help with training on a limited dataset.