Dear ToothFairy2 participants,

On behalf of the ToothFairy Challenge organization team, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your enthusiastic participation and commitment during the Preliminary Phase of our challenge.

We are thrilled to announce that the Final Test Phase has officially begun yesterday, and we welcome you all to submit your final algorithms. During this phase, you can test your algorithms on the full set of 50 test volumes. This will not only allow you to evaluate the full capabilities of your algorithm but also facilitate a thorough comparison with other submissions. You really need to ensure that your algorithm, along with the docker container, is running smoothly (i.e., w/o errors) and ready to be submitted for the final phase. For this reason, the submissions to the Preliminary Phase are still open. Remember that there is a submission limit of 2 per week in the Preliminary Phase and a submission limit of 3 in the Final Phase.

Please keep in mind that in the case you make multiple submissions in the Final Phase, only the last one will be considered valid for the leaderboard, while the others will be ignored.

Visit the Important Dates page for detailed information regarding the submission phase opening and closing dates. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We strongly encourage all of you to submit a 4-6 pages paper (preferably using the LNCS template) along with the final algorithm. The document should describe the submitted algorithm and contain a link to the public version of the code, possibly versioned on GitHub or on an equivalent service. We recall that this is mandatory for the three best-performing algorithms. The document can be submitted later (by email to if it is not ready by the end of the Final Test Phase (deadline provided on the Important Dates page). We are also glad to announce that this year you will have the opportunity to submit your descriptive paper to be included in our workshop proceedings. For more details, please refer to the Call for Papers page.

Best regards,
Federico Bolelli on behalf of the ToothFairy Challenge organizers.