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Sven Koitka


  •  Germany
  •  University Hospital Essen
  •  Radiology
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • 11 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

Challenge User

The VESSEL12 challenge compares methods for automatic (and semi-automatic) segmentation of blood vessels in the lungs from CT images.

LUNA16 Logo
Challenge User

The LUNA16 challenge: automatic nodule detection on chest CT

Challenge User

Fast and Low GPU memory Abdominal oRgan sEgmentation Challenge

DFUC2022 Logo
DFUC 2024
Challenge User

Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting around 425 million people and expected to rise to 629 million by 2045. Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a severe condition that can result from the disease. The rise of the condition over the last decades is a challenge for healthcare systems. Cases of DFU usually lead to severe conditions that greatly prolongs treatment and result in limb amputation or death. Recent research focuses on creating detection algorithms to monitor their condition to improve patient care and reduce strain on healthcare systems. Work between Manchester Metropolitan University, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust has created an international repository of up to 11,000 DFU images. Analysis of ulcer regions is a key for DFU management. Delineation of ulcers is time-consuming. With effort from the lead scientists of the UK, US, India and New Zealand, this challenge promotes novel work in DFU segmentation and promote interdisciplinary researcher collaboration.

AMOS22 Logo
Multi-Modality Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Challenge 2022
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