Your mugshot

Neil Getty


  •  United States of America
  •  Argonne National Laboratory
  •  Data Science and Learning
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • 15 challenge submissions
  • 13 algorithms run

Activity Overview

curious2019 Logo
Challenge User

MICCAI Challenge 2019 for Correction of Brainshift with Intra-Operative Ultrasound. Taks 1: Register pre-operative MRI to iUS before tumor resection;Taks 2: Register iUS after tumor resection to iUS before tumor resection

EndoVisSub2019-SCARED Logo
Stereo Correspondence and Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data
Challenge User

Stereo Correspondence and Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data

StructSeg2019 Logo
Challenge User

Welcome to Automatic Structure Segmentation for Radiotherapy Planning Challenge 2019. This competition is part of the MICCAI 2019 Challenge.

Challenge User

CholecTriplet2021 Logo
CholecTriplet 2021
Challenge User

EndoVis Sub-challenge for Surgical Action Triplet Recognition

SurgT Logo
SurgT: Surgical Tracking
Challenge User

This challenge consists of surgical videos with a target bounding box and the participants are expected to develop visual tracking algorithms to estimate the trajectory of the bounding box throughout the video-sequence.

SurgToolLoc Logo
Surgical Tool Localization in endoscopic videos
Challenge User

vessel-wall-segmentation-2022 Logo
Carotid Vessel Wall Segmentation and Atherosclerosis Diagnosis
Challenge User

Surgical Planning in Pediatric Neuroblastoma
Challenge User

surgtoolloc23 Logo
Endoscopic surgical tool localization using tool presence labels
Challenge User