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Yuri Kreinin


  •  Canada
  •  LDV Soft Inc
  •  Algorithms
  • Member for 5 years
  • 14 challenge submissions

Activity Overview Logo
Archive User

10 CT scans from the website

Challenge User

The VESSEL12 challenge compares methods for automatic (and semi-automatic) segmentation of blood vessels in the lungs from CT images.

ANODE09 Logo
Challenge User

ANODE09 is an initiative to compare systems that perform automatic detection of pulmonary nodules in chest CT scans on a single common database, with a single evaluation protocol.

Challenge User

The goal of this competition is to compare different algorithms to segment the liver from clinical 3D computed tomography (CT) scans.

LNDb Logo
LNDb Challenge
Challenge User

Lung cancer screening and Fleischner follow-up determination in chest CT through nodule detection, segmentation and characterization

RibFrac Logo
Challenge User

Rib Fracture Detection and Classification Challenge: A large-scale benchmark of 660 CT scans with ~5,000 rib fractures (around 80Gb)

CT diagnosis of COVID-19
Challenge User

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has infected more than 1.3 million individuals all over the world and caused more than 106,000 deaths. One major hurdle in controlling the spreading of this disease is the inefficiency and shortage of medical tests. To mitigate the inefficiency and shortage of existing tests for COVID-19, we propose this competition to encourage the development of effective Deep Learning techniques to diagnose COVID-19 based on CT images. The problem we want to solve is to classify each CT image into positive COVID-19 (the image has clinical findings of COVID-19) or negative COVID-19 ( the image does not have clinical findings of COVID-19). It’s a binary classification problem based on CT images.

qubiq Logo
Challenge User

Quantification of Uncertainties in Biomedical Image Segmentation Challenge

lodopab Logo
Challenge User

Low-Dose CT reconstruction in the setting of the LoDoPaB-CT dataset.

MitoEM Logo
Challenge User

Large-scale 3D mitochondria instance segmentation benchmark

covid-segmentation Logo
Challenge User

This challenge will create the platform to evaluate emerging methods for the segmentation and quantification of lung lesions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection from CT images.

Carotid Artery Vessel Wall Segmentation Challenge
Challenge User

To segment the vessel wall of the carotid artery on black-blood MRI images

BrainPTM-2021 Logo
BrainPTM 2021
Challenge User

Brain Pre-surgical Tractography Mapping (BrainPTM) in real clinical scans.

RealNoiseMRI Logo
Challenge User

Brain MRI reconstruction challenge with realistic noise

PAIP2021 Logo
Challenge User

PAIP 2021 Challenge; Perineural invasion in multiple organ cancer (colon, prostate and pancreatobiliary tract)

BCSegmentation Logo
Breast Cancer Segmentation
Challenge User

Semantic segmentation of histologic regions in scanned FFPE H&E stained slides of triple-negative breast cancer from The Cancer Genome Atlas. See: Amgad M, Elfandy H, ..., Gutman DA, Cooper LAD. Structured crowdsourcing enables convolutional segmentation of histology images. Bioinformatics. 2019. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz083

STOIC2021 Logo
STOIC2021 - COVID-19 AI Challenge
Challenge User

COVID-19 Artificial Intelligence Challenge: automated diagnosis, and prognostic evaluation based on computed tomography

Parse2022 Logo
Challenge User

It is of significant clinical interest to study pulmonary artery structures in the field of medical image analysis. One prerequisite step is to segment pulmonary artery structures from CT with high accuracy and low time-consuming. The segmentation of pulmonary artery structures benefits the quantification of its morphological changes for diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and thoracic surgery. However, due to the complexity of pulmonary artery topology, automated segmentation of pulmonary artery topology is a challenging task. Besides, the open accessible large-scale CT data with well labeled pulmonary artery are scarce (The large variations of the topological structures from different patients make the annotation an extremely challenging process). The lack of well labeled pulmonary artery hinders the development of automatic pulmonary artery segmentation algorithm. Hence, we try to host the first Pulmonary ARtery SEgmentation challenge in MICCAI 2022 (Named Parse2022) to start a new research topic.

instance Logo
Challenge User

The 2022 Intracranial Hemorrhage Segmentation Challenge on Non-Contrast head CT (NCCT)

SNEMI3D: 3D Segmentation of neurites in EM images
Challenge User

The challenge is organized in the context of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2013. The old evaluation site ( will be replaced by this one.

LUNA25 Logo
The LUNA25 Challenge
Challenge User