Your mugshot

Rohit Jena


  •  United States of America
  •  University of Pennsylvania
  •  Computer and Information Science
  •  Website
  • Member for 4 years, 7 months
  • 36 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

Challenge User

The VESSEL12 challenge compares methods for automatic (and semi-automatic) segmentation of blood vessels in the lungs from CT images.

drive Logo
Challenge User

Develop a system to automatically segment vessels in human retina fundus images.

Learn2Reg Logo
Challenge User

Challenge on medical image registration addressing: learning from small datasets; estimating large deformations; dealing with multi-modal scans; and learning from noisy annotations

SegPC-2021 Logo
Challenge User

This challenge is positioned towards robust segmentation of cells which is the first stage to build such a tool for plasma cell cancer, namely, Multiple Myeloma (MM), which is a type of blood cancer.

Carotid Artery Vessel Wall Segmentation Challenge
Challenge User

To segment the vessel wall of the carotid artery on black-blood MRI images

Challenge User

The ACROBAT challenge aims to advance the development of WSI registration algorithms that can align WSIs of IHC-stained breast cancer tissue sections to corresponding tissue regions that were stained with H&E. All WSIs originate from routine diagnostic workflows.

DRAC22 Logo
Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge MICCAI2022
Challenge User

Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) lesions segmentation, image quality assessment and classification of proliferatived DR (PDR) and non-PDR in ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography mosaic (UW-OCTA-M) images

RnR-ExM Logo
Robust Non-rigid Registration Challenge for Expansion Microscopy
Challenge User

ULS23 Logo
Universal Lesion Segmentation Challenge '23
Challenge User