Your mugshot

Trung Phan


  •  South Korea
  •  Korea
  •  AI Convergence
  • Member for 3 years, 5 months
  • 15 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

drive Logo
Challenge User

Develop a system to automatically segment vessels in human retina fundus images.

Decathlon-10 Logo
Challenge User

The Medical Segmentation Decathlon challenge tests the generalisability of machine learning algorithms when applied to 10 different semantic segmentation task.

Learn2Reg Logo
Challenge User

Challenge on medical image registration addressing: learning from small datasets; estimating large deformations; dealing with multi-modal scans; and learning from noisy annotations

The PI-CAI Challenge
Challenge User

Artificial Intelligence and Radiologists at Prostate Cancer Detection in MRI

Challenge User

Artificial Intelligence for RObust Glaucoma Screening Challenge

CoNIC-Challenge Logo
CoNIC 2022
Challenge User

Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting Challenge 2022

TDSC-ABUS2023 Logo
Challenge User

Tumor Detection, Segmentation and Classification Challenge on Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound

SynthRAD2023 Logo
Challenge User

SynthRAD is the first challenge on automatic generation of synthetic computed tomography (sCT) for radiotherapy

AMOS22 Logo
Multi-Modality Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Challenge 2022
Challenge User

vessel-wall-segmentation-2022 Logo
Carotid Vessel Wall Segmentation and Atherosclerosis Diagnosis
Challenge User

MultiCenterAorta Logo
SEG.A. - Segmentation of the Aorta
Challenge User

Segmentation, modeling and visualization of the arterial tree are still a challenge in medical image analysis. The main track of this challenge deals with the fully automatic segmentation of the aortic vessel tree in computed tomography images. Optionally, teams can submit tailored solutions for meshing and visualization of the vessel tree.

Deep-Learning-Based CT Lung Registration Logo
Deep-Learning-Based CT Lung Registration
Algorithm User

Registration of inspiration and expiration lung CT scans using a neural network trained with multiple anatomical constraints.