Your mugshot

Chen Xie


  •  China
  •  Shenzhen Fusen Technology Co., Ltd.
  •  Chengdu R&D Center
  • Member for 3 years

Activity Overview

Challenge User

The goal of the Retinal Fundus Glaucoma Challenge (REFUGE) is to evaluate and compare automated algorithms for glaucoma detection and optic disc/cup segmentation on a common dataset of retinal fundus images.

3DTeethSeg Logo
3D Teeth Scan Segmentation and Labeling Challenge MICCAI2022
Challenge User

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools have become increasingly popular in modern dentistry for highly accurate treatment planning. In particular, in orthodontic CAD systems, advanced intraoral scanners (IOSs) are now widely used as they provide precise digital surface models of the dentition. Such models can dramatically help dentists simulate teeth extraction, move, deletion, and rearrangement and therefore ease the prediction of treatment outcomes. Although IOSs are becoming widespread in clinical dental practice, there are only few contributions on teeth segmentation/labeling available in the literature and no publicly available database. A fundamental issue that appears with IOS data is the ability to reliably segment and identify teeth in scanned observations. Teeth segmentation and labelling is difficult as a result of the inherent similarities between teeth shapes as well as their ambiguous positions on jaws.

HaN-Seg2023 Logo
The Head and Neck Organ-at-Risk CT & MR Segmentation Challenge
Challenge User

A semantic multimodal segmentation challenge comprising 30 organs at risk

Challenge User

Dental Enumeration and Diagnosis on Panoramic X- rays Challenge

CL-Detection2023 Logo
CL-Detection 2023
Challenge User

Cephalometric landmark detection in lateral x-ray images

ISLES-24 Logo
Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Challenge 2024
Challenge User

JawFracNet Logo
Algorithm User

Segment mandible and mandibular fractures in head CBCT scan