Your mugshot

Zehan Zhang


  •  China
  •  Zhejiang University of Technology
  •  Computer Science
  • Member for 2 years, 9 months
  • 91 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

LUNA16 Logo
Challenge User

The LUNA16 challenge: automatic nodule detection on chest CT

Learn2Reg Logo
Challenge User

Challenge on medical image registration addressing: learning from small datasets; estimating large deformations; dealing with multi-modal scans; and learning from noisy annotations

The PI-CAI Challenge
Challenge User

Artificial Intelligence and Radiologists at Prostate Cancer Detection in MRI

FLARE22 Logo
Challenge User

MICCAI 2022 Fast and Low-resource semi-supervised Abdominal oRgan sEgmentation (FLARE) Challenge

AMOS22 Logo
Multi-Modality Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Challenge 2022
Challenge User

isles22 Logo
Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation Challenge
Challenge User

NeurIPS22-CellSeg Logo
Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality Microscopy Images
Challenge User

Weakly Supervised Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality High-resolution Microscopy Images

MultiCenterAorta Logo
SEG.A. - Segmentation of the Aorta
Challenge User

Segmentation, modeling and visualization of the arterial tree are still a challenge in medical image analysis. The main track of this challenge deals with the fully automatic segmentation of the aortic vessel tree in computed tomography images. Optionally, teams can submit tailored solutions for meshing and visualization of the vessel tree.

TopCoW23 Logo
Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis
Challenge User

Segment the Circle of Willis (CoW) vessel components for both CTA and MRA

SegRap2023 Logo
SegRap 2023
Challenge User

A segmentation challenge with 200 patients (two modalities of CT images, 45 OARs and 2 GTVs).