Your mugshot

Suk Min Ha


  •  South Korea
  •  Seegene Medical Foundation
  •  Seoul
  •  Website
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • 118 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

Challenge User

Automated detection and classification of breast cancer metastases in whole-slide images of histological lymph node sections. This task has high clinical relevance and would normally require extensive microscopic assessment by pathologists.

ICIAR2018-Challenge Logo
ICIAR 2018
Challenge User

Can you develop a method for automatic detection of cancerous regions in breast cancer histology images?

PAIP2021 Logo
Challenge User

PAIP 2021 Challenge; Perineural invasion in multiple organ cancer (colon, prostate and pancreatobiliary tract)

tiger Logo
Challenge User

Grand challenge on automate assessment of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in digital pathology slides of triple negative and Her2-positive breast cancers

FLARE22 Logo
Challenge User

MICCAI 2022 Fast and Low-resource semi-supervised Abdominal oRgan sEgmentation (FLARE) Challenge

NeurIPS22-CellSeg Logo
Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality Microscopy Images
Challenge User

Weakly Supervised Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality High-resolution Microscopy Images

2023PAIP Logo
PAIP 2023: TC prediction in pancreatic and colon cancer
Challenge User

Tumor cellularity prediction in pancreatic cancer (supervised learning) and colon cancer (transfer learning)

OCELOT2023 Logo
OCELOT 2023: Cell Detection from Cell-Tissue Interaction
Challenge User

JustRAIGS Logo
Justified Referral in AI Glaucoma Screening
Challenge User