July 2024 Cycle Report

Published 22 July 2024

Cirrus features

Displacement field and affine transform registration support

CIRRUS now interprets registration data which allows editors of reader studies or algorithms to control how images are registered with each other when interacting with them through the viewer. Uploadable registration data types are:

  1. Affine transformation matrix
  2. Displacement fields

These values can be assigned to images using the view-content section in reader studies, archive items, or algorithms. You can find more details on the CIRRUS help-page about registrations: https://grand-challenge.org/documentation/image-registration/

Note: You may need to contact the grand-challenge team for them to create new component interfaces for the different new registration types if you want to use this new feature.

Grand Challenge features

This cycle was focused on improving the interoperability of services for studies ran by the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group. Nothing to report.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash