Dear challenge participants,

we are happy to announce that the test set and corresponding landmarks for the IHC WSIs have now been published in the data section of this website. Please note that there will not be an automatic leaderboard for the test set. We will ask teams to submit test set predictions and select the set of registered landmarks that was submitted last before the deadline on the 19th of August as the final predictions for each team. Teams will then learn about their performance during the MICCAI workshop. We will also publish the leaderboard on this website after the workshop.

We have not yet decided on how test set submission should be delivered but will inform you on this well ahead of time.

Thanks already to the teams who have decided to submit a solution on the validation data and we are looking forward to your further participation and to learn more about your algorithms!

Best wishes Philippe Weitz, Masi Valkonen, Leslie Solorzano