Request to reopen current phase for submissions

Request to reopen current phase for submissions  

  By: bilalUWE on Aug. 18, 2023, 1:45 p.m.

Dear Organising Team,

Given the recent adjustment of the next phase dates, I kindly request your consideration to reopen the current submission phase. We have made a few refinements to our approach and believe that evaluating these changes within the recently closed phase would be beneficial.

Your response on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, Bilal

 Last edited by: bilalUWE on Aug. 18, 2023, 1:47 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Request to reopen current phase for submissions  

  By: denis.corbin on Aug. 18, 2023, 3:21 p.m.

Or if you could add the validation masks to the dataset on Zenodo, each team could test their approach by themselves.


 Last edited by: denis.corbin on Aug. 18, 2023, 3:22 p.m., edited 1 time in total.