Dear participants,
Thank you for you interest in this challenge! We will review your failed submissions with this error message and guide you how to avoid it, or, if necessary, will change the evaluation script.
However, we can't accept pull request as portions of code you would like to delete are required to avoid other possible errors.
Mainly, two possible reasons of this error:
1) your predictor didn't produce proper polygon on its output, so that when converting coordinates of polygon to Polygon class object it returns an error, if still no error, it may return an error when trying to analyze the region of intersection of two polygons.
2) even if your polygon is correct, it may be of shape, where it intersects itself, and when converting to Polygon object or when analyzing the intersection with other polygons it may return an error.However, we intended to solve that problem by buffering your polygon, bu it seems, there is still a problem with that.
So my advice for now: 1) check your polygons for correctness, 2) make sure coordinates are in COCO format, 3) try to analyze each shape with error by executing the available code on github, and printing each step, then change your polygons properly
Please also wait, we will analyze your submitted results, and hopefully will get back to you with solutions.
Thanks again!