can we use HER level (1+/2+ etc.) in train and inference phase?

can we use HER level (1+/2+ etc.) in train and inference phase?  

  By: jzsherlock on Sept. 15, 2022, 4:31 a.m.

Dear organizers: I would like to know if we can use the level information in train phase (for supervision, not in inference time) and in inference phase (directly use the level as the inference input)? Thanks!

Re: can we use HER level (1+/2+ etc.) in train and inference phase?  

  By: SaintJay on Sept. 16, 2022, 7:47 a.m.

Note that the HER2 level represents the category of the corresponding WSI, not the patch itself (we have stated this in the description of the dataset). Therefore, there will be inconsistencies between the patch category and the WSI category. If you really want to use HER2 expression level information, please only use it in the training phase, the inference phase only accepts HE images as input (because from an application point of view, it is impossible to know the ground truth of HER2 level from HE images). If you used HER2 level information during the training phase, please state this in your submission comments.