Algorithm failed on one or more cases

Algorithm failed on one or more cases  

  By: pzhhhhh on July 30, 2024, 4:38 a.m.

Dear CURVAS Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I have successfully passed the sanity check; however, when submitting during the validation phase, I encountered the issue of "Algorithm failed on one or more cases" due to the current per-case inference time limit of 5 minutes. This restriction prevents us from submitting our work to this challenge.

We kindly request the committee to consider increasing the per-case inference time limit to 10 minutes. We believe that a less stringent time limit would benefit all participants, allowing them to develop and deploy better-performing models to address this task effectively.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards, Zhaohong Pan

Re: Algorithm failed on one or more cases  

  By: pzhhhhh on July 30, 2024, 10:09 a.m.

Dear CURVAS Team,

Thank you for your prompt response and for extending the per-case inference time limit to 7 minutes. We appreciate your understanding and support.

We will adjust our models accordingly to meet the new time limit and continue to strive for the best performance within the constraints of the challenge.

Best regards, Zhaohong Pan

Re: Algorithm failed on one or more cases  

  By: dlabella29 on Sept. 1, 2024, 4:43 p.m.

Would it be possible to extend the time limit to 7-10 minutes for the sanity check phase as well? When reviewing error logs, it looks like it times out after 5 minutes. However, when I run on 13900k RTX 4090 it only takes about 30 seconds on my local workstation to run successfully. I'm unsure why it is taking too long on the sanity check phase server?