Request for logs for recent submission attempt

Request for logs for recent submission attempt  

  By: bilalUWE on Aug. 29, 2022, 10:40 p.m.

Hi Organising team,

I tried few tweaks to the algorithm and the Try-out has stopped giving me any errors. I can access the logs for Try-out run which has cleared now. However, the preliminary submission run still generated the message Failed--The algorithm failed on one or more cases. I have significantly reduced the memory instensive operations from the code. Need to know what else might be causing the algorithm run to fail now.

Can you please share the log for the most recent submission attempt for the algorithm (de4d0549-3750-4782-8064-b48138202772)? The teams seems pretty occupied due to a lot of participant queries. I will appreciate if you can spare few moments and share the logs.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Re: Request for logs for recent submission attempt  

  By: rgarcianes-intusurg on Aug. 30, 2022, 9:42 p.m.

Hi @bilalUWE,

The bug causing this error may have been fixed as stated in this thread:

If you still want to have the logs, please send me: 1 - Algorithm name. 2 - Category name. 3 - ID of the submission attempt for the algorithm. 4 - Team name. 5 - The username who submitted the algorithm for evaluation.

I appreciate your patience!

Best, SurgToolLoc 2022 Organizing Committee

 Last edited by: rgarcianes-intusurg on Aug. 15, 2023, 12:57 p.m., edited 1 time in total.