New submissions

New submissions  

  By: smajjk on March 26, 2022, 11:45 a.m.


Does this challenge allow for new submissions on the test data?

Additionally, where can I find the numbers of the top-performing methods (i.e., not plots, but the values of the median Dice scores per class, etc.)?

Thank you!

Re: New submissions  

  By: kpayette on March 31, 2022, 5:46 p.m.

Hi, We are planning to host FeTA 2022 at this year's MICCAI in Singapore, so we encourage you to submit to this year's challenge. The website will be updated with more information within the next couple of days. As for specific metrics from the top performing teams, we are currently working on a paper, and will have the preprint available soon with more exact numbers.