Brain scans: skull-stripped or non-skull-stripped?

Brain scans: skull-stripped or non-skull-stripped?  

  By: smajjk on Aug. 23, 2021, 3:06 p.m.


For the brain data, will the evaluation be performed on: (1) the aligned, skull-stripped or (2) the aligned, non-skull-stripped scans?

Thank you!

 Last edited by: smajjk on Aug. 15, 2023, 12:55 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Brain scans: skull-stripped or non-skull-stripped?  

  By: AHering on Aug. 24, 2021, 7:45 a.m.


Thanks for your question. You can decide on which data you want to train. Please indicate the used data in your docker submission by using one of the following lines in the file

./ -f "./test/task_03/L2R_2021_Task3_test_skull_stripped/img$(printf "%04d" ${fixed}).nii.gz" -m "./test/task_03**/L2R_2021_Task3_test_skull_stripped/img$(printf "%04d" ${moving}).nii.gz" -o "./submission/task_03/disp_$(printf "%04d" ${fixed})_$(printf "%04d" ${moving}).npz"


./ -f "./test/task_03/L2R_2021_Task3_test_non_skull_stripped/img$(printf "%04d" ${fixed}).nii.gz" -m "./test/task_03/L2R_2021_Task3_test_non_skull_stripped/img$(printf "%04d" ${moving}).nii.gz" -o "./submission/task_03/disp_$(printf "%04d" ${fixed})_$(printf "%04d" ${moving}).npz"

Best, Alessa