Why is the error:"No output images could be imported from 'images/nucleusfluorescence-ome-tiff"

Why is the error:"No output images could be imported from 'images/nucleusfluorescence-ome-tiff"  

  By: kolivaslucille on April 4, 2024, 7:20 a.m.

The output display is normal:output path /output/images/actin-fluorescence-ome-tiff Processed and saved: b3efb182-4f33-4766-b8ag-e0070a119e6c.tiff output path /output/images/nucleus-fluorescence-ome-tiff ...., but we got error "No output images could be imported from 'images/nucleusfluorescence-ome-tiff". We use test_run.sh locally to be able to correctly output the file to "$OUTPUT_DIR", with this output prompt"template_algorithm-volume =+= Wrote results to /mnt/data0/Tianzhao/algorithm/output", but it is not on the test platform. Can you tell us what might have gone wrong, thank you!

 Last edited by: kolivaslucille on April 4, 2024, 7:49 a.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Why is the error:"No output images could be imported from 'images/nucleusfluorescence-ome-tiff"  

  By: dorian_kauffmann on April 4, 2024, 1:31 p.m.


I don't have enough information to help you. Can't you provide me with the logs or give me access to your algorithm?
I only have access to the logs for submissions.
Thank you for your help,
