I tried resubmitting after making the changes, it gives the Image Can be Used Flag as False. I get the output printed on the terminal with the detection points properly but still there is a problem with the json file.
Just to Recap:
during which part of the test do you get this issue?
docker run --rm \
-v mitosisdetection-output:/output/ \
python:3.7-slim cat /output/mitotic-figures.json | python -m json.tool
docker run --rm \
-v mitosisdetection-output:/output/ \
-v $SCRIPTPATH/test/:/input/images/histopathology-roi-cropout/ \
python:3.7-slim python -c "import json, sys; f1 = json.load(open('/output/mitotic-figures.json')); f2 = json.load(open('/input/images/histopathology-roi-cropout/expected_output.json')); sys.exit(f1 != f2);"
I had to change 'python' to 'python3' for running the commands mentioned in the test.sh script so that it generates output.
But it still gives me the error: Could not load expected_output.json using
Hence, i finally get Image Can Be Used: False, when i upload the image
Which environment are you in? Windows? Linux?
Do you use the most recent version of evalutils?
evalutils==0.3.1 also tried evalutils==0.2.4
Also: Did you modify any of the files that are related to building the docker container itself?
Didn't modify any files that didn't have the TODO Flag
I'm not able to figure out what the problem is from my side as the code runs fine and generates the output, but it seems as you mentioned earlier that: the container is reading the JSON file expected_output.json as an input image which it shouldn't do and should ideally ignore.
Is there someway to debug the above issue and find out where the real problem is ? Kindly let me know.
Thanks Marc