Question about the labels in training dataset

Question about the labels in training dataset  

  By: leeh43 on June 29, 2023, 4:58 p.m.

Hi, I have downloaded trainbatch1 data for training. However, when I load the labels in MITK or using nibabel to load it, it keep popping up errors and show that it cannot be loaded as nifti. Is there anything that suggest me to work on it?

Thank you so much!

Re: Question about the labels in training dataset  

  By: minghuizhang24 on June 30, 2023, 5:55 a.m.


We have checked our dataset, and found no problem in our local device (either in ITK-SNAP or nibabel can load correctly.)

Maybe something unexpected happened in the download procedure, and you can re-download the full dataset to try.

If you still have problems in using our dataset, please contact for further assistance.
