Dear finalists,

Querying the compute instance to run the feedback docker containers has been delayed to Monday. Our apologies for the delay. We hope that the issues with a compute instance that we experienced earlier have been resolved and that we will receive access to the compute instance quickly when we start querying. All coming deadlines that were stated in the previous announcement have been adjusted accordingly:

  • Deadline submitting feedback codebase: July 17th at 23:59 in the Anywhere on Earth Time Zone
  • Finalists receive the logs and artifacts generated by their feedback codebase: July 20th
  • Deadline second Final phase submission: July 27th at 23:59 in the Anywhere on Earth Time Zone

These deadlines have also been adjusted in the previous announcement and they have been added to the Important Dates page.

Good luck with preparing your feedback codebases!

Best, Luuk