Final submission

Final submission  

  By: koitd on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

Dear Organizers,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the submission limit for the final phase of the challenge. The current allowance of 2 submissions per team seems insufficient to adequately refine and improve our results. I would like to propose increasing the submission limit to 5 per team. This adjustment would provide participants with more opportunities to optimize their work and showcase their best efforts.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Tran Dinh Khoi

 Last edited by: koitd on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:47 a.m., edited 2 times in total.

Re: Final submission  

  By: aneeqzia_isi on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:11 p.m.


Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion. While it would be great to allow more submissions in the final phase, the amount of data in the final testing phases is fairly large which results in large cloud compute costs. Hence we plan to keep 2 submissions per team. However, we do think that this problem is not significant for category 2 as its a supervised problem and the teams can try out many different validation schemes with just the training data. Hope this makes sense!

Best, SurgVU team