Hi everyone,

As we near the end of this challenge, we wanted to send some reminders:

  • Please make sure you've gone through and understood the submission instructions at https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/submission-instructions/. Any submission not fulfilling all points listed at the top of this page will not be considered in the final ranking.

  • Even if your container is not performing well, all teams are still applicable for the best methodology report prizes (check https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/prizes/). Moreover, if any of the top performing team is unable to fulfill all submission requirements, then the next team in the leaderboard will take their position.

  • For category 1, as already detailed at https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/prizes/, we will be running last year's winning algorithms on this year's final testing phase and only algorithms performing better than those will be eligible for prizes. The submissions from last year's winning solutions will be made public on the leaderboard on the day of challenge (when the final results will be announced)

  • Please DO NOT wait till the last day of submission deadline to submit your final algorithm container (or atleast have 1 container submitted beforehand to avoid last minute issues).

Best, SurgVU team