Hi everyone,

Since we are not able to upload the 2023 SurgToolLoc 2023 arxiv paper yet, we have updated the previous resources page (https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/previous-challenges-resources/) and put a link to download submissions for last year's top 3 teams (see results for SurgToolLoc 2023 at: https://surgtoolloc23.grand-challenge.org/results/). These submissions include reports (with public github repo links) and recorded video presentations. These resources are only useful for this year's category 1 (which is the same as last year's challenge) and should help teams develop better algorithms than previous winning algorithms. Please note that we will be evaluating last year's top 3 algorithms on this year's test dataset and only algorithms that perform better than those will be applicable for prizes (as already described at https://surgvu24.grand-challenge.org/prizes/).

Best, SurgVU Org Team