SynthRAD2023 @SASHIMI23

Dear reader,

It's a pleasure to announce that the winner of each task will be granted an oral presentation at SASHIMI23 workshop, held at MICCAI23 in Vancouver, Canada either on October 8th or 12th.

To all the participants the possibility to present your approach as a poster will be granted during the workshop1.

To be elegible as winner, please make sure you abide to the submission rules of this challenge. In short, by submitting your work, you agree upon: * Present their method at the final event of the challenge at MICCAI 2023; * Submit a paper reporting the details of the methods in a short or long (up to the teams) LNCS format; * Sign and return all prize acceptance documents as may be required by Competition Sponsor/Organizers; * Commit to citing the data challenge paper and the data overview paper whenever submitting the developed method for scientific and non-scientific publications.

We will update you on the final date on the workshop as soon it will be confirmed.

We wish you a great submission preparations!

Warm wishes,

Matteo on behalf of the SynthRAD2023 organizers

1We reserve the possiblity to limit the poster number in case the number of submissions will be deemed to large for a successful workshop.