Understanding the docker submission error

Understanding the docker submission error  

  By: juhha on July 11, 2023, 6:58 p.m.

I just made a submission and I am having an error with message saying "The algorithm failed on one or more cases." Is there a way to possibly see the error message output? I hope I can debug the error, but it is hard to do so with the current submission error message.

(1) I checked if "test.sh" works in my local machine, and it does. (2) I tried the docker image by "Try-out Algorithm," and it worked. So I cannot think of any reason why it is failing and what are needed to be fixed.

One suspicion that I have is if the given SITKImageObject is single slice image (with dimensionality of [c,h,w] where c is channel, [h,w] is the 2d image resolution). My algorithm is based on 3D operations, so if the input data are 2d, then I probably should change my algorithm to 2D operation-based ones. But if SITKImageObject is 3D image, then I have no idea what is the problem.

Can I get a support for this?


 Last edited by: juhha on Aug. 15, 2023, 12:58 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Understanding the docker submission error  

  By: mmaspero on July 11, 2023, 7:43 p.m.

Dear Juhha,

Suraj prepared a post to explain how to check the log generated from your submission, please check here: https://grand-challenge.org/forums/forum/synthrad2023-643/topic/debugging-algorithm-docker-submissions-after-submitting-on-the-challenge-1478/.

If that does not help, please let me know (mail the organizers) and we will take a look. In your case, please take a look at the log https://grand-challenge.org/algorithms/mri_baseline/jobs/66495e7b-1172-4d01-a7bc-21c6057549db/, there is a runtime error with SiTK on a specific patient while applying a transformation. Please note that the dataset is 3D, but it depends on how you rearrange the channels before passing them to the network. I hope this points you into the right direction.

Best Regards,


 Last edited by: mmaspero on Aug. 15, 2023, 12:58 p.m., edited 1 time in total.

Re: Understanding the docker submission error  

  By: juhha on July 11, 2023, 9:08 p.m.

Thank you so much for your detailed suggestions!