Hi all,

We have made an update to the algorithm docker to address a request from one of the participants of the challenge (Thank you for bringing this to our attention) and to provide functionality as highlighted on our Introduction page,

"Challenge participants may choose to participate either in task 1 or 2 or both. For each task, algorithms should be provided for both pelvic and neurological cases. The participant may decide whether providing two or one model per task."

To allow providing two models per task based on anatomic region, we now provide updated algorithm code to get the region for each scan passed to the predict function. This should allow participants to deploy region-specific models in the algorithm.

You can find a reference to this here: https://github.com/SynthRAD2023/algorithm-template/blob/12cc778a03bb422e9516669428222909dade4b8c/process.py#L42

I hope this enriches your challenge experience and contributes better performing models to the community.

NOTE: This change is non-breaking. If you do not need to use this region information, you can keep your algorithm dockers as is, without any changes.

Best, Suraj & SynthRAD organizers