Inquiry about gpus usage

Inquiry about gpus usage  

  By: Zhack on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:51 p.m.

Dear organizers,

While using the proposed segmentation example, I noticed the 'gpus="all"' flag was not added to the docker, which prevents from using GPU in Docker.

Will this flag be added when we run our algorithm on the grand-challenge website ?

Regards, Zach

Re: Inquiry about gpus usage  

  By: gasperpodobnik on Nov. 24, 2023, 12:13 p.m.

Dear Zach,

Thank you for bringing up this important question.

Regarding the 'gpus="all"' flag in the proposed segmentation example, for local testing, you are absolutely correct that you can add this flag to enable GPU utilization within Docker.

However, when it comes to executing your algorithm on the Grand Challenge website, the system is configured to handle GPU allocation slightly differently. Instead of specifying 'gpus="all"', you have the option to select the GPU option when you create and run your algorithm on the Grand Challenge platform.

See this discussion for more details.

Best regards,
