Hello everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. As the submission deadline for The Trauma THOMPSON Challenge draws near, we want to remind you to submit your results as soon as possible in order to participate in the challenge and be eligible for the rewards.

Prediction Files: We kindly request that all participants submit their prediction files now, even if you are still fine-tuning your algorithms. This will help us ensure a smooth and timely evaluation process.

Algorithm Submission: If you are not yet ready to submit your algorithms, please don't worry. You can choose to submit your prediction files first and then follow up with your algorithms at a later time. The submission of prediction files is essential for our evaluation process and will allow us to start assessing the results.

Your participation is crucial, and we appreciate your dedication to advancing the field of computer vision in the medical domain.

If you encounter any technical difficulties or have questions about the submission process, please do not hesitate to reach out at jiang841@purdue.edu or zhuoy@purdue.edu. Thank you for your commitment to this challenge, and we look forward to receiving your submissions.