Question about naming the outputs

Question about naming the outputs  

  By: a.tsakiroglou on March 25, 2022, 11:30 a.m.

Dear organisers,

Hope you are well! Thank you very much for putting together the TIGER challenge and providing support for the participants.

I would like to submit an algorithm and I have a question about the naming convention of the outputs.

It is mentioned that:

  • for the segmentation mask:

Path for the output segmentation mask: /output/images/breast-cancer-segmentation-for-tils/{random_name}.tif

  • for the detections:

The path of the output detection file (in JSON format) is the following: /output/detected-lymphocytes.json

  • for the tils-score:

The TILs-score has to be saved as a single number with value between 0-100 in the file: /output/til-score.json

I don't have previous experience with the Grand Challenge setup, so my question is:

Is the docker container with the algorithm only supposed to process one WSI + tissue mask at a time, or must we configure it to be able to process many WSI placed inside the /inputs/ folder?

If the latter, then how should we name the different detection/ til score files to distinguish between outputs of different WSI?

Kind regards, Anna Maria

Re: Question about naming the outputs  

  By: mart.vanrijthoven on March 25, 2022, 12:24 p.m.

Dear Anna Maria,

You are welcome! I am happy to hear that you are at the stage of creating a submission.

Your algorithm will be applied over test images+masks one at a time. Hence, your docker container can assume that only one image+tissue mask is in the inputs folder.

Best wishes, Mart