We are writing this post because the MICCAI event is getting closer. As you may know, the discussion about the ToothFairy challenge results will take place on the 8th of October in Vancouver, Canada. All of you are warmly welcome to present your work during the event, regardless of the score you get during the final Test Phase. The presentation should focus on the description of the algorithm(s) employed, experiments conducted, results obtained, and anything you think deserves to be discussed with other participants. The presentation should last about 15 minutes. If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible via email at federico.bolelli@unimore.it, in order to let us organize the event.

It would be a pleasure for us to have you in person in Vancouver. However, if none of your team will be available to join the event, you can connect via Zoom and make the presentation remotely. In this latter case, we kindly ask you to provide a backup video presentation that can be used just in case we experience any technical issues during the event.

Moreover, we have also started writing a joint paper about the challenge results. If you want to contribute, thus becoming a co-author of such an article we kindly ask you to send us the list of co-authors and their affiliation ASAP as well as a document resuming your algorithm and the code implementing it, always to federico.bolelli@unimore.it.

Hope to see you soon in Vancouver!

Luca Lumetti