What is the minimum intensity in test dataset

What is the minimum intensity in test dataset  

  By: lemonSoda on July 19, 2023, 3:27 a.m.

In training dataset , the minimum image intensity is -1000, but in GitHub, the minimum intensity of two test images is 0. So I want to know, what is the minimum intensity in test dataset?

Re: What is the minimum intensity in test dataset  

  By: llumetti on July 19, 2023, 8:48 a.m.

Hi Zhendong Yang, Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the private test dataset. CBCT scanners' intensity usually varies from −1500 to over +5000, so you can expect this kind of range too in the test set. The test on GitHub was probably preprocessed by clipping the range to [0, 2100] as we do in the PosPadUNet3D paper. This kind of preprocessing will obviously not be applied to the testing images.

Regards, Luca