Your mugshot

Simon Graham


  •  United Kingdom
  •  University of Warwick
  •  Computer Science
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • 32 challenge submissions
  • 3 algorithms run

Activity Overview

Challenge User

The goal of this challenge is to evaluate new and existing algorithms for automated detection of cancer metastasis in digitized lymph node tissue sections. Two large datasets from both the Radboud University Medical Center and the University Medical Center Utrecht are provided.

MoNuSeg Logo
Challenge User

MICCAI 2018 challenge for Multi-organ nuclei segmentation from H&E stained histopathological images.

patchcamelyon Logo
Challenge User

PatchCamelyon is a new and challenging image classification dataset of 327.680 color images (96 x 96px) extracted from histopathology images of the CAMELYON16 challenge. The goal is to detect breast cancer metastasis in lymph nodes.

DigestPath2019 Logo
Challenge User

Welcome to Digestive-System Pathological Detection and Segmentation Challenge 2019. This competition is part of the MICCAI 2019 Challenge.

Lymphocyte Assessment Hackathon
Challenge User

Lymphocyte Assessment Hackathon in conjunction with the MICCAI COMPAY 2019 Workshop on Computational Pathology

ECDP2020 Logo
Challenge User

Unlike previous challenges, this proposes to find an image analysis algorithm to identify HER2-positive from HER2-negative breast cancer specimens evaluating only the morphological features present on the HE slide, without the staining patterns of IHC.

SegPC-2021 Logo
Challenge User

This challenge is positioned towards robust segmentation of cells which is the first stage to build such a tool for plasma cell cancer, namely, Multiple Myeloma (MM), which is a type of blood cancer.

NuCLS Logo
Challenge User

Classification, Localization and Segmentation of nuclei in scanned FFPE H&E stained slides of triple-negative breast cancer from The Cancer Genome Atlas. See: Amgad et al. 2021. arXiv:2102.09099 [cs.CV].

BCSegmentation Logo
Breast Cancer Segmentation
Challenge User

Semantic segmentation of histologic regions in scanned FFPE H&E stained slides of triple-negative breast cancer from The Cancer Genome Atlas. See: Amgad M, Elfandy H, ..., Gutman DA, Cooper LAD. Structured crowdsourcing enables convolutional segmentation of histology images. Bioinformatics. 2019. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz083

tiger Logo
Challenge User

Grand challenge on automate assessment of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in digital pathology slides of triple negative and Her2-positive breast cancers

Challenge User

Artificial Intelligence for RObust Glaucoma Screening Challenge

CoNIC-Challenge Logo
CoNIC 2022
Challenge Editor

Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting Challenge 2022

EndoCV2022 Logo
Challenge User

Developing methods for "detection task'' and ''segmentation task'' for endoscopic video sequence data

MIDOG2022 Logo
MItosis DOmain Generalization Challenge 2022
Challenge User

OCELOT2023 Logo
OCELOT 2023: Cell Detection from Cell-Tissue Interaction
Challenge User

Quality assessment of whole-slide images through artifact detection Logo
Quality assessment of whole-slide images through artifact detection
Algorithm User

Quality scoring with artifact detection in whole slide images; out-of-focus, tissue folds, ink, dust, pen mark, and air bubbles.

Colon Tissue segmentation Logo
Colon Tissue segmentation
Algorithm User

Tissue segmentation network for colon histopathology images