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Stephan Hahn


  •  Belgium
  •  Imagin4Care
  •  R&D
  •  Website
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months

Activity Overview

Challenge User

The VESSEL12 challenge compares methods for automatic (and semi-automatic) segmentation of blood vessels in the lungs from CT images.

LOLA11 Logo
Challenge User

The goal of LOLA11 (LObe and Lung Analysis 2011) is to compare methods for (semi-)automatic segmentation of the lungs and lobes from chest computed tomography scans. Any team, whether from academia or industry, can join.

Challenge User

The goal of this challenge is to compare interactive and (semi)-automatic segmentation algorithms for MRI of the prostate.

LUNA16 Logo
Challenge User

The LUNA16 challenge: automatic nodule detection on chest CT

ICIAR2018-Challenge Logo
ICIAR 2018
Challenge User

Can you develop a method for automatic detection of cancerous regions in breast cancer histology images?

IDRiD Logo
Challenge User

This challenge evaluates automated techniques for analysis of fundus photographs. We target segmentation of retinal lesions like exudates, microaneurysms, and hemorrhages and detection of the optic disc and fovea. Also, we seek grading of fundus images according to the severity level of DR and DME.

Challenge User

Peripheral Artery:Vein Enhanced Segmentation (PAVES) is the challenge focussed on providing easily interpretable and relevant images that can be readily understood by clinicians (vascular interventional radiologists & vascular surgeons) from MRA datasets where the venous and arterial vasculature may be equally enhanced. The setting is lower limb arterial occlusive disease where imaging of the below knee arterial vasculature is critical in planning limb salvage interventions. However, the competing demands of the high spatial resolution needed to image small vessels versus imaging time constraints where there is often a very short arteriovenous transit time for contrast passage form arterial to venous compartments makes imaging challenging. While dynamic MRA techniques can usually allow arterial imaging without venous ‘contamination’ these necessarily sacrifice spatial resolution.

HC18 Logo
Challenge User

Automated measurement of fetal head circumference using 2D ultrasound images

Challenge User

In this challenge, you segment the liver in CT data, and segment liver, spleen, and kidneys in MRI data.

LNDb Logo
LNDb Challenge
Challenge User

Lung cancer screening and Fleischner follow-up determination in chest CT through nodule detection, segmentation and characterization

VerSe2020 Logo
Challenge User

Vertebrae labelling and segmentation on a multi-centre, multi-scanner, and anatomically-diverse CT dataset.

RibFrac Logo
Challenge User

Rib Fracture Detection and Classification Challenge: A large-scale benchmark of 660 CT scans with ~5,000 rib fractures (around 80Gb)

covid-segmentation Logo
Challenge User

This challenge will create the platform to evaluate emerging methods for the segmentation and quantification of lung lesions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection from CT images.

NuCLS Logo
Challenge User

Classification, Localization and Segmentation of nuclei in scanned FFPE H&E stained slides of triple-negative breast cancer from The Cancer Genome Atlas. See: Amgad et al. 2021. arXiv:2102.09099 [cs.CV].

Challenge User

MICCAI 2022 MELA Challenge: A Large-Scale Detection Benchmark of 1,100 CT Scans for Mediastinal Lesion Analysis

Parse2022 Logo
Challenge User

It is of significant clinical interest to study pulmonary artery structures in the field of medical image analysis. One prerequisite step is to segment pulmonary artery structures from CT with high accuracy and low time-consuming. The segmentation of pulmonary artery structures benefits the quantification of its morphological changes for diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and thoracic surgery. However, due to the complexity of pulmonary artery topology, automated segmentation of pulmonary artery topology is a challenging task. Besides, the open accessible large-scale CT data with well labeled pulmonary artery are scarce (The large variations of the topological structures from different patients make the annotation an extremely challenging process). The lack of well labeled pulmonary artery hinders the development of automatic pulmonary artery segmentation algorithm. Hence, we try to host the first Pulmonary ARtery SEgmentation challenge in MICCAI 2022 (Named Parse2022) to start a new research topic.

3DTeethSeg Logo
3D Teeth Scan Segmentation and Labeling Challenge MICCAI2022
Challenge User

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools have become increasingly popular in modern dentistry for highly accurate treatment planning. In particular, in orthodontic CAD systems, advanced intraoral scanners (IOSs) are now widely used as they provide precise digital surface models of the dentition. Such models can dramatically help dentists simulate teeth extraction, move, deletion, and rearrangement and therefore ease the prediction of treatment outcomes. Although IOSs are becoming widespread in clinical dental practice, there are only few contributions on teeth segmentation/labeling available in the literature and no publicly available database. A fundamental issue that appears with IOS data is the ability to reliably segment and identify teeth in scanned observations. Teeth segmentation and labelling is difficult as a result of the inherent similarities between teeth shapes as well as their ambiguous positions on jaws.

AGGC22 Logo
Challenge User

AMOS22 Logo
Multi-Modality Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Challenge 2022
Challenge User

ATM22 Logo
Multi-site, Multi-Domain Airway Tree Modeling (ATM’22)
Challenge User

Airway segmentation is a crucial step for the analysis of pulmonary diseases including asthma, bronchiectasis, and emphysema. The accurate segmentation based on X-Ray computed tomography (CT) enables the quantitative measurements of airway dimensions and wall thickness, which can reveal the abnormality of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Besides, the extraction of patient-specific airway models from CT images is required for navigatiisted surgery.

ULS23 Logo
Universal Lesion Segmentation Challenge '23
Challenge User

Abdominal Circumference Operator-agnostic UltraSound measurement
Challenge User

Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Prediction Logo
Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Prediction
Algorithm User

Deep Learning for Malignancy Risk Estimation of Low-Dose Screening CT Detected Pulmonary Nodules

Hevi AI Prostate Zonal Segmentation Logo
Hevi AI Prostate Zonal Segmentation
Algorithm User

Zonal prostate segmentation by HeviAI