Your mugshot

zhendong liang


  •  China
  •  tsinghua University
  •  Biology Medical engineering
  • Member for 3 years, 10 months
  • 12 challenge submissions

Activity Overview

ICIAR2018-Challenge Logo
ICIAR 2018
Challenge User

Can you develop a method for automatic detection of cancerous regions in breast cancer histology images?

Challenge User

The challenge focuses on comparing the accuracy (using manually annotated landmarks) and the approximate speed of automatic non-linear registration methods for aligning microscopy images of multi-stained histology tissue samples.

BreastPathQ Logo
BreastPathQ: Cancer Cellularity Challenge 2019
Challenge User

SPIE-AAPM-NCI BreastPathQ:Cancer Circularity Challenge 2019: Participants will be tasked to develop an automated method for analyzing histology patches extracted from whole slide images and assign a score reflecting cancer cellularity for tumor burden assessment in each.

DigestPath2019 Logo
Challenge User

Welcome to Digestive-System Pathological Detection and Segmentation Challenge 2019. This competition is part of the MICCAI 2019 Challenge.

ECDP2020 Logo
Challenge User

Unlike previous challenges, this proposes to find an image analysis algorithm to identify HER2-positive from HER2-negative breast cancer specimens evaluating only the morphological features present on the HE slide, without the staining patterns of IHC.

Learn2Reg Logo
Challenge User

Challenge on medical image registration addressing: learning from small datasets; estimating large deformations; dealing with multi-modal scans; and learning from noisy annotations

PAIP2021 Logo
Challenge User

PAIP 2021 Challenge; Perineural invasion in multiple organ cancer (colon, prostate and pancreatobiliary tract)

tiger Logo
Challenge User

Grand challenge on automate assessment of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in digital pathology slides of triple negative and Her2-positive breast cancers

The PI-CAI Challenge
Challenge User

Artificial Intelligence and Radiologists at Prostate Cancer Detection in MRI

CoNIC-Challenge Logo
CoNIC 2022
Challenge User

Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting Challenge 2022

Challenge User

Early Breast Cancer Core-Needle Biopsy WSI Dataset

DFUC2022 Logo
DFUC 2024
Challenge User

Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting around 425 million people and expected to rise to 629 million by 2045. Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a severe condition that can result from the disease. The rise of the condition over the last decades is a challenge for healthcare systems. Cases of DFU usually lead to severe conditions that greatly prolongs treatment and result in limb amputation or death. Recent research focuses on creating detection algorithms to monitor their condition to improve patient care and reduce strain on healthcare systems. Work between Manchester Metropolitan University, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust has created an international repository of up to 11,000 DFU images. Analysis of ulcer regions is a key for DFU management. Delineation of ulcers is time-consuming. With effort from the lead scientists of the UK, US, India and New Zealand, this challenge promotes novel work in DFU segmentation and promote interdisciplinary researcher collaboration.

AGGC22 Logo
Challenge User

Challenge User

The ACROBAT challenge aims to advance the development of WSI registration algorithms that can align WSIs of IHC-stained breast cancer tissue sections to corresponding tissue regions that were stained with H&E. All WSIs originate from routine diagnostic workflows.

DRAC22 Logo
Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge MICCAI2022
Challenge User

Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) lesions segmentation, image quality assessment and classification of proliferatived DR (PDR) and non-PDR in ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography mosaic (UW-OCTA-M) images

AMOS22 Logo
Multi-Modality Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Challenge 2022
Challenge User

MEGC2022 Logo
ACMMM MEGC2022: Facial Micro-Expression Grand Challenge
Challenge User

Spotting Facial Macro- and Micro-Expressions in Long Videos

MIDOG2022 Logo
MItosis DOmain Generalization Challenge 2022
Challenge User

NeurIPS22-CellSeg Logo
Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality Microscopy Images
Challenge User

Weakly Supervised Cell Segmentation in Multi-modality High-resolution Microscopy Images

bci Logo
Breast Cancer Immunohistochemical Image Generation Challenge
Challenge User

The Breast Cancer Immunohistochemical Image Generation Challenge aims to directly generate IHC-stained breast cancer histopathology images from HE-stained images.

2023PAIP Logo
PAIP 2023: TC prediction in pancreatic and colon cancer
Challenge User

Tumor cellularity prediction in pancreatic cancer (supervised learning) and colon cancer (transfer learning)

Endometrial Carcinoma Detection in Pipelle biopsies
Challenge User

Evaluation platform as reference benchmark for algorithms that can predict endometrial carcinoma on whole-slide images of Pipelle sampled endometrial slides stained in H&E, based on the test data set used in our project.

RnR-ExM Logo
Robust Non-rigid Registration Challenge for Expansion Microscopy
Challenge User

MedFM2023 Logo
Foundation Model Prompting for Medical Image Classification
Challenge User

The primary objective of this challenge is to promote the development and evaluation of model adaptation techniques for medical image classification to leverage the existing foundation models.

Colon Tissue segmentation Logo
Colon Tissue segmentation
Algorithm User

Tissue segmentation network for colon histopathology images