Your mugshot

Dre Peeters


  •  Netherlands
  •  Radboud University Medical Center
  •  Medical Imaging
  •  Website
  • Member for 2 years, 4 months
  • 5 challenge submissions
  • 25 algorithms run

Activity Overview

LUNA16 Logo
Challenge User

The LUNA16 challenge: automatic nodule detection on chest CT

CHAIMELEON Open Challenges
Challenge User

A unique opportunity for scientists to advance cancer research with AI. The CHAIMELEON Open Challenges invites participants to collaborate to develop and train new AI-powered solutions driving innovation in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

ULS23 Logo
Universal Lesion Segmentation Challenge '23
Challenge User

workshop2024 Logo
Challenge Hosting Masterclass
Challenge User

A hands-on workshop designed to provide participants with practical experience in setting up a challenge.

Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation Logo
Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation
Algorithm User

Automatic segmentation of pulmonary lobes on CT scans for patients with COPD or COVID-19.

Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Prediction Logo
Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Prediction
Algorithm Editor

Deep Learning for Malignancy Risk Estimation of Low-Dose Screening CT Detected Pulmonary Nodules

Lung nodule detection for routine clinical CT scans Logo
Lung nodule detection for routine clinical CT scans
Algorithm User

Deep learning for the detection of pulmonary nodules in chest CT scans