Thanks for your attention. Firstly all contours of the SegRap2023 dataset were annotated by an oncology treatment group (led by MD Shichuan Zhang (vice director of the radiotherapy center in Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute, > 20 years of experience) and MD Wenjun Liao (~ 10 years of experience)) from Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute. All contours were reviewed (we want to point out that all contours come from the clinical treatment planning, and were reviewed and revised before the challenge). About the observer bias, It's too subjective, every oncologist has their own understanding of the clinical guideline, so we invited MD. Zhang and Liao to make consensus labels. The guideline for organ-at-risk is RTOG and the gross tumor volume is the Atlas of Ying Sun's group proposed (State Key Laboratory of Oncology in Southern China, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China).
Xiangde Luo.