[Important Notice of Validation Phase!!!] ¶
By: xiangdeluo on Aug. 8, 2023, 6:54 a.m.
Dear all participants:
Due to the total submission times being pre-defined, we can not modify them too large. So we must reduce the submission times to ensure each participant can successfully submit once at least during the validation phase (we will evaluate the final results based on Docker images). As an alternative, we will release the validation set (just images, BaiduPan and GoogleDrive, the google drive is uploading, please wait several hours) today, each participant can email us their predictions, and we will provide feedback within one day. If you have successfully evaluated your docker can run on the grand challenge platform and you don't have enough submission times but you still want to evaluate your method on the validation set, please save your predictions as previous requirement formats, save the task01 predictions to "head-neck-segmentation" folder and task02 predictions to "gross-tumor-volume-segmentation" (please use the image names to name the prediction, like "segrap_120.mha"), please zipped and named your prediction folder as "TeamName-or-GrandChallengeID-Task01-or-02.zip", we will email you results as a file named "TeamName-or-GrandChallengeID-Task01-or-02.json". Note that, the results can not be updated on the grand challenge leaderboard, just provide for participants as a reference. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this modification.
Best, Xiangde Luo/Jia Fu, SegRap2023 organizers.