Custom keybindings and shortcuts

CIRRUS workstations supports configurable keybindings for different actions. User keybinding presets can be:

  • defined when configuring viewers for reader studies or algorithm viewing,
  • and modified by users, live during while using the viewer.

Live modification of keybindings

Users can view and modify keybindings of a running workstation by using the keymap button in the top-right area of the application. Important: Keybindings edited this way are not persisted and reset when the page is refreshed.

Clicking on this button will reveal the keymap editor showing all available actions and current shortcut assignments:

Each action is is shown with a + button that allows adding a keyboard shortcut to that action. If a shortcut is already assigned to that action, a red field shows the key combination that activates the given action. Clicking on the red button will remove that keyboard assignment.

To add a new shortcut, you click the smaller + button and then press the key combination that you would like to assign. Note that the shortcut engine fully supports key sequences as well. Here an example:

This exanoke shows 5 different keybindings that require a users to press the letter D followed by one of the keys 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to trigger the respective action. Key combinations with Shift/Alt/Ctrl are also supported:

Reader study specific actions

There are special keybindings for questions that can be bound for reader studies. These keybinding actions only appear when editing keybindings for a reader study. These actions allow users to directly activate a specific question without the need to manually navigate through the full list of questions:

When activating an annotation question, the annotation mode for that particular question will be activated immediately.

Caveat The keybindings for reader study questions are assigned by using question order: If one were to assign a keybinding to the "Scan quality" question in the example shown in the image above, but then change the order of question in the reader study configuration to make "Make a choice" the first question, that keybinding for "Scan quality" will be now be associated with "Make a choice".

Storing keybindings in viewer configurations

Keybindings presets can be stored as part of viewer configurations. Start by creating or opening an existing viewer configuration on grand challenge ( Scroll to the keybindings section, here is where you can paste a keybindings JSON structure:

The keybinding JSON structure can be created directly in CIRRUS itself. Open the keymap editor and then look in the bottom right corner of the editor for the "Copy JSON" button:

Pressing this button will copy a JSON structure into your computer's clipboard. You can paste this into the key bindings section of the viewer-configurations by first switching the editor from "Tree" mode into "Code" mode. To do this click on "tree" dropdown in the blue toolbar at the top of the key bindings editor field and select "Code":

Proceed by deleting all previous entries and paste the copied JSON structure into the field.

After this, save the viewer configuration and assign it to a workstation as usual; either in your reader study configuration, algorithm job viewer, or a archive item viewer configuration.